If You Own A Yoga Business...

Kyrios Built An Entire BUSINESS-IN-A-BOX Just For You!

Yoga businesses face a variety of marketing challenges, some unique to the industry and others common to small businesses in general. Here are some of the main ones:

Standing out in a crowded market: Yoga studios are plentiful, making it hard to differentiate yourself from the competition. You need to define your unique selling proposition and target your marketing to the specific audience you want to attract.

Attracting new students and retaining existing ones: Finding new students requires constant effort, while keeping existing ones engaged necessitates offering diverse classes, workshops, and events. Striking a balance between attracting new clients and nurturing existing relationships is crucial.

Balancing the commercial with the spiritual: Some yoga practitioners might consider aggressive marketing tactics unaligned with the practice's philosophy. Finding a respectful and authentic way to promote your business without compromising the essence of yoga can be tricky.

Limited marketing expertise: Many yoga instructors and studio owners have a passion for yoga, but not necessarily marketing expertise. Learning new skills or hiring professionals can be a challenge, especially with limited resources.

Competition from online classes: The rise of online yoga platforms poses a new challenge for studios. You need to offer value beyond just the physical space to remain competitive.

Keeping up with digital trends: The digital landscape constantly evolves, requiring studios to adapt their marketing strategies to stay relevant and reach their audience effectively.

Overcoming internal hesitation: Some yoga practitioners might feel uncomfortable self-promoting, leading to resistance towards actively marketing their business.

Understanding your target audience: Knowing exactly who you want to reach is crucial for tailoring your marketing messages and channels effectively.

These are just some of the main marketing problems faced by yoga businesses. By understanding these challenges and developing creative solutions, yoga studios can overcome them and reach their full potential.

What would it be like if you had everything you need to get started with more leads and efficiency in your business today?

  • Pre-Built Funnels

  • Workflow Automation

  • Lead Magnets

  • 2 Years of Email and SMS Nurture

  • NEW AI Assistant - Booking/Sales Bot

There Is A Serious Problem Today

Feeling stretched thin in your yoga studio? We've been there.

Running a yoga studio is beautiful, but can also feel like balancing on your head in a crowded Downward Dog class. From managing bookings and memberships to crafting compelling classes and nurturing your community, the to-do list never seems to end.

And then there's the technology vortex. Every guru seems to have a new "magical" platform promising nirvana, each with its own learning curve steeper than Mount Kailash. The time it takes to master these tools eats away at what you do best: guiding students on their own journeys to inner peace.

Sound familiar? You're not alone. But just like in yoga, finding your center amidst chaos is possible. ✨ Take a deep breath, and let's explore ways to manage the overwhelm:

Remember your drishti: What's your studio's unique vision? What sets you apart from the crowded yoga landscape? Focus on that, not every shiny new trend. ✨

Simplify your asana: Don't get tangled in a web of complex software. Streamline your tools to those that truly serve your needs and integrate seamlessly.

Find your community: Connect with other studio owners. Share struggles, swap solutions, and inspire each other. Remember, you're not alone on the mat.

Delegate with mindfulness: Can you outsource tasks that drain your energy? Free up your time to do what you do best, and maybe even squeeze in a personal Savasana.

Remember your breath: When things get overwhelming, take a moment to connect with your breath. It's the anchor that brings you back to center, both on and off the mat. ️

By being mindful of your focus, simplifying your tools, connecting with your community, and delegating strategically, you can find your own inner peace amidst the studio whirlwind. Remember, your well-being matters too. You can't pour from an empty cup, so take care of yourself and shine your light even brighter. ✨


This is, at it's core, why we built the Kyrios platform. The idea was to remove the need of having to have 15 different platforms for everything from calendars, CRM, messaging, websites, funnels, email marketing, project management, to invoicing, etc.

Om Shanti, Studio Owner. Escape the Multitasking Mayhem with Kyrios.

Ever feel like your studio's operations are in Warrior II pose, spread thin and struggling to maintain balance?

Juggling bookings, payments, marketing, and community engagement can leave you feeling more like a frazzled Pigeon than a serene Sage.

Imagine this sanctuary:

All your students and leads united in one sacred space. From scheduling classes to managing memberships, every interaction flows seamlessly.

Your website and social media channels harmoniously linked, chanting your studio's message in unison. No more jumping between platforms like Chaturanga transitions! ️

Insights and statistics laid bare at your fingertips. Gain clarity on what's working (think peak Savasana!) and what needs adjustment, guiding your marketing like a wise Guru. ✨

Project management workflows eliminate busywork chaos. Automate mundane tasks like email reminders and follow-ups, freeing up your energy for more mindful pursuits.

Your team in perfect alignment. Track everyone's projects and tasks with ease, ensuring a harmonious flow from reception to instructors.

Kyrios is your studio's Asana of organization. It embodies the journey your students take, supporting them at every step with intuitive features and seamless integrations. No more scattered tools or information overload. Just focused energy and a thriving community.

Find your inner zen (and streamline your studio!). Kyrios awaits to guide you on the path to yogic business bliss.

But There Are 2 More Problems

Problem 1: The Cost Problem

One of the things we see regularly is a problem with how other companies charge. Most platforms these days have one or more of 3 types of charges that stack on top of each other.

The Per User Charge - This is where they want to charge you for every single employee, contractor, VA, assistant, or whomever else you need to be able to use it. While some platform that charges you $97/mo doesn't sound bad up front, by the time you get to 5 people on your team, you're now at $500/mo. As you grow, you are penalized financially because you are growing.

The Per Contact Charge - Many platforms charge you based on the number of contacts you have listed in your system (whether you are doing anything with them or not). 500 contacts for $50/mo doesn't sound all that bad initially, but when you start paying $150/mo for 1,500, $300/mo for 2,500, and more as you continue to grow, it can add up quickly.

The Usage Charge - This is where they charge you fees based on your usage. There are many platforms that charge you based on the number of emails you send out, SMS messages sent, phone calls made, etc. While this is perfectly reasonable (after all you are using it therefore paying for it), the problem here is that many companies charge this based on tiers. In other words, spending $100/mo to be able to send out 1,500 SMS messages doesn't sound that bad, but what if you only ACTUALLY send out 50? What if you need to send out 1,501 that month? You have to upgrade your plan to a higher level and pay more every month.

Problem 2: The Build-Out Problem

Let's face it...very little of what you buy these days comes even close to ready to use right out of the box. Steep learning curves on how to use these platforms added to the fact that you may not know everything about how to build a good funnel, landing page, send the right kinds of emails, etc. just increases this problem exponentially.

The solution most people end up going for is hiring some outsourcer to do it for them. But that can get EXPENSIVE fast.

  • According to The Funnel Teacher, a very basic funnel can cost as little as $1,000, but can go up to as much as $50,000 or more depending on the complexity.

  • According to Email Vendor Selection, the average cost for building and maintaining a nurture campaign for email marketing is around $2,500 per month.

  • According to Upwork, the average cost for building a quality lead magnet is $1,000

  • According to SMA, the average cost to build a workflow automation can be as low as $500 to as much as $30,000 each depending on the complexity.

This is Why We Created Business-In-A-Box

To Help Simplify Business For You Even More

Everything You Need

From customer tracking to invoicing, social media to email marketing, messaging to project management, Kyrios offers what you need when you need it to save time and money.

All In One Spot

Kyrios has combined all of your major needs into one platform to ensure that there is no more going here to there to everywhere just to get something that you need done.

To Grow Your Business

Growing a business is about more than just generating new leads. It is also about optimizing your processes and making sure nothing falls through the cracks. Kyrios excels at this.

But Wait, That's Not All...

Remember Those Problems We Discussed?

Here is how we help you fix them...

Transparent Pricing

Data is cheap these days. We do not charge any per user fees or per contact charges. Our cost is a flat monthly rate per location. You pay only one fee, regardless of how many employees, customers, or prospects you have. Because of the flexibility of the platform that includes email, SMS messaging, and even VOIP phone service if you need it, you simply pay for what you use, when you use it IF you go over the credits we give you each month. (Emails, for example, are $0.00135) If you're not using it, you never pay for it. That's about as fair as we can get.

Pre-Built Funnels

Start generating leads faster with pre-built funnels that are ready to add your logo and company info to.

Customizable Lead Magnet

Start generating leads faster with pre-built funnels that are ready to add your logo and company info to.

2 Years of Nurture

Not everyone is ready to buy right now. 96 emails and 24 text messages written for your business will get them there.

Custom Workflows

Time is what most people don't have. We built customized workflows just to help you recapture much of it.

Right Now You Have Two Choices

Kyrios Platform

The Kyrios platform offers total flexibility for your business. From simplifying lead generation and sales to helping you manage day-to-day operations, Kyrios is your partner in business growth. The Kyrios platform has 3 levels that allow you to control how much help you want and need. With plans starting as low as $297/month, it will fit any budget.


The complete Business-In-A-Box is much more than getting off to a great start for your business. It has tens of thousands of dollars worth of Done For You services built directly into the platform.

With the Business-In-A-Box program, you start with the basic Kyrios platform and everything is installed for you.

Business-In-A-Box Contains

AI Booking/Sales Bot

Awaken Your Business with Conversational Yoga AI

A $25,000 Value

AI that actually converts

Kyrios AI delivers big results

  • Our AI has 209% higher response rates than boring follow up & outreach.

  • 40% increase in booking rates through our well-informed sales trained bots.

  • 129% increase in deals closed by adding our AI to your business

  • Experience an 82% increase pipeline velocity, so you can focus on your core services

Imagine a world where your yoga studio flows with ease, inquiries answered gracefully, and new students joining effortlessly. ‍Kyrios introduces Conversational Yoga AI, your intelligent guide to streamlining operations and nurturing your community.

Picture this:

A tireless yogi AI: Engage every lead 24/7, answering questions, booking appointments, and nurturing interest with personalized, real-time conversations via SMS and chat. Say goodbye to missed inquiries and lost opportunities!

Effortless lead nurturing: Let the AI guide your leads through their yoga journey, providing information, answering questions, and offering relevant class recommendations. Think of it as a friendly virtual concierge, offering personalized guidance at every step.

Increased efficiency: Free yourself from endless administrative tasks. The AI handles appointment scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups, allowing you to focus on what you do best – guiding your students on their path to inner peace.

Boosted productivity: Imagine filling your calendar effortlessly, without the need for additional training or staff. The AI works 24/7, tirelessly converting leads into loyal students, expanding your community seamlessly.

Skyrocketing sales: Experience the joy of watching your enrollment grow organically. The AI's engaging conversations capture leads, nurture interest, and ultimately convert them into paying students, all without requiring extra effort from you.

Embrace the future of yoga studios. Let Kyrios' AI do the heavy lifting, while you focus on spreading the joy of yoga and inspiring your community.

🌟 Experience the Revolution – Try It for Free!

Don't just take our word for it. This will blow your mind with the possibilities. We want you to try it out before you even consider the Business-In-A-Box!

Kyrios' Conversational Yoga AI is more than just a robot. It's your studio's intelligent assistant, designed to help you:

  • Connect with leads authentically, using natural, human-like conversation.

  • Nurture your community with personalized attention and relevant recommendations.

  • Streamline operations, freeing up your time and energy for what truly matters.

  • Grow your business effortlessly, attracting new students and boosting your bottom line.

Each Bot is Custom Programmed for Your Business

  • The bot will scan your website (or even that of a competitor) and find just the right messaging for your business

  • Expand the bot with Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you have regular objections, those can be added to help your bot learn

  • If you have pricing or rates, you can add that to the bot to discuss with your prospects

  • Give the bot your qualifying questions to pre-qualify your leads

A Fully Integrated Suite

The bot can be set to automatically reply or you can turn it on any conversation! It can integrate with:

  • Email

  • SMS

  • Google Business Profile

  • Facebook

  • Instagram


Cultivate Your Community with Growth Funnels

A $15,000 Value

Funnel 1: Dynamic Harmony

Imagine nurturing a thriving yoga community effortlessly, attracting new students seamlessly, and fostering meaningful connections with ease. Kyrios presents Growth Funnels, your gateway to a more connected, vibrant studio.

This dynamic flow adapts to your unique studio like a Vinyasa class, its colors and logo perfectly reflecting your brand essence. The focus? Guiding students towards deeper connections by encouraging:

Service call bookings: Deepen relationships with personalized consultations and address questions directly.

Satisfaction reviews: Gather valuable feedback and showcase your studio's impact with glowing testimonials.

Referrals: Cultivate your community by empowering satisfied students to share their yoga journey with others.

Funnel 2: Serene Stability

This serene flow offers a beautiful, static space for you to showcase your offerings. Here, you can:

Book service calls: Invite prospective students to explore your services through personalized consultations.

Gather feedback: Collect valuable insights and testimonials to nurture trust and attract new yogis.

Generate referrals: Encourage student connections and expand your community with referral offers.

Kyrios empowers you to run multiple lead generation campaigns simultaneously, catering to diverse audiences and preferences. Imagine offering a dynamic call to action for intro classes, while presenting a serene one for private sessions. Each funnel, like a thoughtfully crafted sequence, guides students towards their unique wellness goals.

Kyrios handles the heavy lifting, leaving you free to focus on what truly matters – guiding your students and fostering a sense of community. The funnels nurture new connections, manage feedback, and encourage referrals, while you share your passion for yoga.

Ready to cultivate a more vibrant studio?

Each Funnel Contains

  • Primary Landing Page

  • Appointment Booking Page

  • Thank You Page

  • Consultation Page

  • Unsubscribe Page

  • Appointment Result Page for Technicians

  • Contact Information Update Page

  • Service Satisfaction Review Survey

  • Referral Page

Lead Magnet

Cultivate New Yogis with a Ready-Made Lead Magnet

A $1,000 Value

Do you dream of welcoming new students to your vibrant yoga community, but struggle to capture their interest? Kyrios unveils "Simple Steps to Starting Yoga," your customizable lead magnet designed to attract and nurture potential yogis.

Why Lead Magnets Matter:

Think of lead magnets as friendly invitations, offering valuable information in exchange for contact details. Imagine curious newcomers discovering your studio through targeted marketing, then easily accessing a helpful guide that demystifies their yoga journey. By providing valuable content upfront, you build trust and encourage exploration.

Kyrios offers "Simple Steps to Starting Yoga," a pre-written guide filled with essential information for beginners. It covers topics like:

  • Benefits of yoga

  • Different yoga styles

  • Essential poses for beginners

  • Tips for preparing for your first class

  • Frequently asked questions

Customize Your Guide:

The beauty lies in flexibility. Use the provided Canva template to personalize the guide with your studio logo, contact information, and unique touch. Add local recommendations or highlight your specialty classes, making it truly your own.

Effortless Nurture Flow:

The best part? This lead magnet seamlessly integrates with Kyrios' pre-built nurture campaign. New sign-ups automatically receive a series of engaging emails, gently guiding them toward their first class and deeper engagement with your studio.

Imagine the possibilities:

  • Newcomers receiving personalized welcome emails with inspiring success stories.

  • Gentle reminders about upcoming classes and workshops.

  • Special offers designed to ease their transition into your community.

Cultivate Your Community with Ease:

Stop wondering how to attract new yogis. Embrace Kyrios' "Simple Steps to Starting Yoga" lead magnet and nurture campaign. Watch your community blossom effortlessly, as you focus on sharing your passion for yoga.

2-Year Nurture Campaign

Foster Lasting Connections with a 2-Year Nurture Campaign

A $10,000 Value

96 Emails and 24 SMS Messages

Ever wished you could connect with potential yogis on a deeper level, building trust and nurturing them into loyal students? Kyrios unveils its 2-Year Nurture Campaign, your gateway to lasting relationships and a thriving community.

Why Nurture Matters:

Imagine a class packed with curious newcomers, yet hesitant to join. Building trust and familiarity takes time. Kyrios' 2-year campaign addresses this, guiding potential students on a journey of discovery, gently nurturing their interest and fostering a sense of belonging.

Beyond the First Downward Dog:

This pre-built campaign transcends one-off promotions. It offers a continuous flow of valuable content, delivered strategically over two years. Imagine:

  • Engaging welcome emails introducing your studio, its values, and unique offerings.

  • Informative newsletters covering diverse yoga topics, from poses and breathing techniques to mindfulness tips and inspirational stories.

  • Personalized birthday and anniversary greetings showcasing your care and fostering connection.

  • Targeted offers and promotions aligned with individual interests and engagement levels, enticing exploration and encouraging commitment.

Your Expertise, Their Journey:

Throughout the campaign, you establish yourself as a trusted guide. Each email reinforces your expertise, sharing valuable insights and tips that empower potential students on their yoga journey. This builds trust and credibility, making them see you as the go-to studio for their needs.

Effortless Cultivation:

Say goodbye to manually crafting emails. Kyrios handles the heavy lifting, providing you with a ready-to-use campaign, complete with stunning templates and engaging content. You simply personalize it with your studio's voice and offerings, then focus on what truly matters – sharing your passion with the world.

Imagine the results:

  • A steady stream of new students organically joining your vibrant community.

  • Deeper connections with existing students, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

  • An established reputation as a trusted guide and expert in your field.

Embrace the Power of Nurture:

With Kyrios' 2-Year Nurture Campaign, watch your studio blossom into a thriving haven for yoga enthusiasts. Let the campaign do the nurturing, while you focus on inspiring and guiding your students.

Workflow Automations

The Business-In-A-Box Contains Loads of Automations

A $30,000 Value

Making Your Life Easier

  • Nurture Inbound Leads Into Appointments

  • Appointment Confirmation And Reminders

  • Call/Appt Disposition Updates

  • Canceled Or No-Show Appointment Automation

  • Stale Leads Tracking

  • Follow-up Date Reminders

  • Smart Contact Replied Alerts

  • Database Reactivation Workflows

  • List Management

  • Invoicing Workflows (Sent & Paid)

  • Review And Referral Workflows

  • 2-Year Nurture Sequence With Pre-written Emails and Texts (96 emails plus 24 text messages)

  • Auto Text - Chat Widget

  • Auto Text - FB Messenger

  • Auto Text - Google Business Profile

  • Auto Text - Instagram

  • Auto Text - Missed Call

  • Happy Birthday

  • Hard Bounce Recovery

  • And more...

The flexibility of the Kyrios platform allows you the ability to create automations for many of your needs from customer follow-ups to project management workflows.

24/7 Live Chat Support

Find Peace with 24/7 Support for Your Yoga Haven


24/7 Live Chat Support

Running a yoga studio takes dedication, but technical hiccups shouldn't disrupt your inner zen. Kyrios offers comprehensive support, ensuring you always have a guide for your digital journey.

Instant Support, No Delay:

Forget frustrating chat bots and endless wait times. Kyrios boasts 24/7 live chat support. Our friendly experts are readily available to answer your questions and solve your issues quickly, keeping your studio flowing smoothly.

Need more than text? Hop on a Zoom call with a skilled representative for personalized assistance. Whether it's navigating features or troubleshooting challenges, we're here to help you find your inner digital yogi.

Support and Training Suite

Empower Yourself with Knowledge:

Beyond live support, Kyrios offers a vast self-service portal, your library of digital wisdom. Access hundreds of articles and video tutorials covering everything you need to know, from platform basics to advanced functionalities. Learn at your own pace and discover innovative ways to optimize your studio's operations, saving you time and resources. ⏰

Imagine this:

  • A quick chat solves a scheduling hiccup, and your class runs seamlessly.

  • A Zoom session helps you master a new marketing tool, expanding your reach.

  • You discover a tutorial on streamlining invoicing, freeing up precious time for teaching.

Kyrios empowers you with both immediate support and self-paced learning. Find answers, solve problems, and unlock your platform's full potential, all while maintaining your inner calm.

Namaste. Embrace peace of mind and let Kyrios support your thriving yoga studio.

Business-In-A-Box Cost

If you were to buy all of this separately, you would spend...

Well over $81,000

But our goal is different...

We're not just about making a dollar. We are about helping as many businesses as we can be more successful and competitive in their market.

Your Price: $56,000 + $2,997 per month

Only: $597 per month


To Get Business-In-A-Box for $0 when you sign up for the Kyrios Platform!

Yes, This Page Was Built Using Kyrios. We practice what we preach.